About the School
Welcome to Franklin County Career Technical Center
Mission Statement
Our mission as a faculty is teaching students to be more productive, independent, and responsible employees in today’s job market.
Every Student College and Career Ready!
About the School
The Franklin County Career Technical Center faculty visualizes the active participation of each student in the educational process. We believe that the 21st Century offers many opportunities for students in their journey to become dynamic citizens in a transforming society. As educators for future laboring citizens, it is our responsibility to offer an environment favorable to learning, so that all students can be successful citizens, thus providing a better community.
As the vision statement above indicates, the faculty and administration believe that career and technical education contribute significantly to the educational development of students into productive citizens. We strive to provide all students with an instructional program that is student centered, technically innovative, and industry-based. In addition, continued emphasis on best educational practices is an essential component of our ongoing school improvement process. We vigilantly search for the most current educational practices and optimal organizational conditions. Our school administration and faculty desire to provide ‘cutting-edge' instruction in each career and technical area. The instructional process is based upon the premise that all students will:
Acquire career and technical skills and a broad understanding of related knowledge in a specific couupational area.
Develop real world working dependencies and appreciation of good workmanship.
Construct good work-related and safety habits.
Acquire leadership qualities through laboratory/shop and student career and technical student organizations.
Develop increased self-confidence and abilities in himself/herself.
Develop interpersonal relationship skills required in the real world.
Community and School Relations
Franklin County Career Technical Center maintains effective communications and relationships with stakeholders in a number of ways. Morning and afternoon announcements are accessible to faculty, staff, and students.
The school website advises the community about scheduled school events and other important school news. Our faculty maintains pages to facilitate teacher, parent, and student communication. Students and parents can also email teachers from the school's website.
We offer the opportunity for parents and students to discuss with teacher’s information on their classes and expectations for student achievement. Parent/teacher conference days are scheduled as needed to give parents, teachers, and students a chance to stay informed on any issues concerning student progress.
Parents and students can access important information about their children directly from their computer, anytime, anywhere through Powerschool Home. The information that can be accessed includes grades, class schedules, attendance records, discipline reports, activity announcements, and more.
Our faculty maintains community relations through advisory committees which are made up of area business leaders, instructors, parents and community leaders. Advisory committees meet a minimum of once each school year to discuss individual programs. Each program seeks advice from its committee members on how to improve the program for the students.
Franklin County School System
The Franklin County School System subscribes to the belief that the primary function of public schools is to promote the understanding, maintenance and the improvement of the American way of life. To that end, the curriculum in the Franklin County Schools shall promote the development of democratic values and shall be based on a program of instruction in academic, technical subjects, fine arts, vocational/technical skills, citizenship, cultural development and enhancement of moral and spiritual values.
The responsibility for providing a free, appropriate education for all children and young people in Franklin County is placed on the Franklin County Board of Education by the Alabama Legislature. In fulfilling this responsibility,the board will:
1) Plan for program variety to allow for individual differences in mental abilities, physical stamina, learning styles and other factors, which determine progress in the school program.
2) Plan for educational opportunities for each individual who is eligible for enrollment in the school system.
3) Employ competent personnel and counseling procedures during placement of individuals, which includes conferences among pupils, parents and teachers.
4) Support athletics and all school activities as an integral part of the local school program but to be supportive of the basic academic program.
5) Insist on reasonable standards of behavior and application so that pupils' right to learn is protected and no pupil is permitted to infringe in any way on the right of his/her classmates to learn.