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FCCTC Student Organization

High school students that join FBLA receive benefits
that include:  Discounts,  Scholarships,  Publications,  
and Awards and recognition programs

FBLA members also demonstrate their leadership skills through community service projects, fundraising activities, and chapter officer positions.

FBLA Academic Competitions 

FBLA's National Awards Program, also called competitive events, gives your students the opportunity to compete against the best-of-the-best in over 60 academic events that cover technology, public speaking, business, finance, management, and more. The top winners take home trophies and cash from sponsored events.

FBLA programs help you integrate business-related, co-curricular content into your classroom, plus you can reinforce your existing courses with FBLA's rigorous academic competitions.


If you're interested in developing the leadership, communication, and teamwork skills of your high school students, FBLA is the organization for you.


Future Business Leaders Of America (FBLA) 


 Future Business Leaders Of America (FBLA)

 Website:  Future Business Leaders Of America (FBLA) Website
 Sponsor:  Ms. Keylee Allison
 Purpose:  FBLA allows students to strengthen their communication skills, gain leadership, and become exposed to diverse people with different ideas from around the world! Members will grow as a person as they work with their peers, who will encourage them to better themselves and strive to achieve their goals.
 Requirements:  A desire to gain business and leadership skills. A desire to promote community involvement. A desire to compete in business events and earn scholarship money.
 Grade Levels:  All levels (9-12)
 Dues:  $30.00
 Major Activities:  *Regional Competition++second week in February*State Competion++second weekend in April*National Competition++last weekend in June
 Fundraisers:  Fundraisers are done throughout the year to earn money for the State Leadership Conference. SLC is a chance to compete at the state level once members have placed at regional level.