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Logging In and Getting Started

To find your Username and Password, follow the steps below.

1. Navigate to

2. Use the Forgot Username link to have your username sent to your email address.
3. Use the Forgot Password link to reset your password.
4. Use your new username and password to log in to the system.

Searching for Courses
1. Once logged in, you will be directed to the home page. If courses have been recommended or
required for you, they will display as a link on the Required Training or Recommended Training
channels on the home page.
2. To search for a course, click on the Courses tab at the top of the page.
3. Use the Course Search channel to find a course by course #, Course Description, or keyword.

4. You can also search for courses using the Find Courses by Tags and Find Courses by
Performance Standards channels on the Courses page.

Registering for Courses
1. Once you have found the course you would like to attend, select from the desired Sections and
click Register.

2. Review the course information including location and click Next.

3. Congratulations, you are registered for your course!